Ingrown toenails are often a source of long-lasting pain and problems with walking. They may also prevent the wearer from wearing the desired type of footwear. Repeated infections to the affected area are bothersome and may reduce the range of daily activities. Often it is possible to solve a long-lasting problem with a simple surgical intervention.
Operation procedure
The operation is one of the simpler surgeries, depending on the extent and type of deformity, or the extent of inflammation. It can be done on patients of any age without restriction.
A relative contraindication for the surgery is the ongoing intense inflammatory process associated with the formation of pus. In such cases, pre-operative antibiotic treatment is suitable.
Pre-operative preparation
The procedure does not require any special pre-operative preparation.
Course of the operation
The operation is done under local anaesthesia. It is an outpatient procedure and afterwards the patient can go home. Before the procedure, the patient fills in the necessary forms – a questionnaire and consent to the operation.
After preparation of the operating field – by washing with disinfectant and lining with sterile drapes, local anaesthesia is administered to the area around the affected area. The operation itself follows, which consists of partial removal of the overgrown part of the nail, cleaning of the nail bed and then its reconstruction.
Post-operative care
After the operation, it is necessary to pay attention to the thorough hygiene of the surgical wound and to avoid sports activities until the sutures are removed. The selection of stitches depends on the status of healing, but are removed at the earliest on the 14th day after the operation.