Enlarged breasts – Augmentation


Enlarged breasts – Augmentation



Breast enlargement, professionally known as augmentation mammoplasty, is the most frequently performed aesthetic surgery operation, consisting in the surgical insertion of implants into the back part of the breast. The result of this procedure is enlarged volume and improved shape of the breasts. This procedure returns lost self-esteem to women who perceive their breasts as small, or who are not happy with their shape.

Who can proceed with augmentation?

Undergoing breast augmentation does not affect nursing a baby or a woman's future pregnancy, and so women who want to have a baby in the future can also have the procedure done without worry. However, due to the loss of breast tissue, it is possible that the shape of the breast may change after breastfeeding. This procedure is also not limited by an upper age limit, but the minimum age for its treatment in Slovakia is 18 years old.

What can you get?

The goal of the procedure is enlarged breasts and the achievement of a more attractive appearance. At the same time, it can resolve asymmetry of the breasts and thus the issue of different sizes and shapes of the breasts.

Course of the treatment:

Based on the requirements of your initial consultation, the surgeon will offer you all the options for surgery, their limitations and their health risks. Since this procedure is done under total anaesthesia, upon arrival in Slovakia we will perform a pre-operative examination to make sure your health status allows you to undergo this procedure.

We emphasize that your health is in the best hands, and therefore before the operation itself it is necessary:

  • to determine a detailed medical history of illnesses in the family,
  • to determine illnesses you are currently treating or which you have overcome, allergies, etc.,
  • to exclude diseases of the breasts using ultrasound or a mammograph examination,
  • after agreement with a gynaecologist to initiate or maintain the taking of anticonception and preventive medicaments against blood clotting.

Likewise, for ensuring maximum safety it is necessary that before the operation you observe these rules:

  • 6 hours before the operation, maintain an eating and drinking regimen,
  • Approximately a week before the operation do not take medications containing acetylsalicylic acid, e.g. Aspirin, Alnagon, Mironal, Acylpyrin, etc., for the reason that they may increase bleeding during and after the operation,
  • Do not smoke one to two days before and a week after the operation,
  • The operation is not suitable during menstruation, but this doesn’t have to be a reason for shifting the operation date in all cases; therefore, it is necessary to inform in advance the doctor who is to perform the operation of this fact.

The operation lasts perhaps 1-1.5 hours, and afterwards it is necessary to remain hospitalized for 1-2 days here at our clinic. Before and after the operation, antibiotics are used mainly to prevent tissue inflammation, as we are placing a foreign object into the body. The method of inserting and placing the implant depends on the surgeon's recommendations and the patient’s anatomy. We take care that the incision is made carefully, and the resulting scar is as little visible as possible. We place the implant into the body through a 3-4 cm long incision made at the point where the breast meets the chest or through the dark skin around the nipple. Upon performing the final elastic breast bandage, the entire operation is completed.

Post-operative process:

A few days after the operation, you will feel pain in your breasts. Don’t worry; this is just the body's natural reaction to interference with the human body and the insertion of a foreign object. The greatest pain occurs if the implant is inserted under muscle. To deal with pain, you will take pain medication for 2-5 days after the operation, and the pain will be gradually reduced. Don’t forget that the convalescence of the organism is an individual process that depends on each individual’s ability to heal.

For your maximum comfort and the prevention of any post-operative difficulties, we recommend observing these suggestions after the operation:

  • The breasts need to be fixed during the day and night with a special support bra, namely for about 4-8 weeks, and in special cases we also recommend wearing breast bands,
  • For at least a month after the operation we recommend sleeping exclusively on your back,
  • Avoid sporting activities, hard work, heavy lifting and other physically demanding activities for at least 2 months,
  • You can do easier household work but only after about 10-14 days,
  • It is possible to shower the breasts only after complete healing of the incisions,
  • A solarium and

Why this treatment?

  • the possibility to choose an implant
  • post-operative care
  • the possibility of providing preoperative examinations at our clinic

* You can register at klient.dcmedical.eu and use credit payment, where with the highest bonus you pay the highest price | Anyone can register, even a new client/patient

** Prices are orientational only | The final price depends on the complexity and range of the interventions, which we will confirm upon consultation | The price list is valid on date 23.2.2025



place OC RETRO Ružinov
Nevädzová 6 (1. floor)
821 01 Bratislava

alternate_email bratislava@dermacenter.sk
phone +421 2 221 17 110

alternate_email bratislava@dentalc.sk
phone +421 2 221 17 112


place OC MLYNY
Štefánikova trieda 35/61 (2. floor)
949 01 Nitra

alternate_email nitra@dermacenter.sk
phone +421 37 221 11 13

alternate_email nitra@plasticcenter.sk
phone +421 37 221 11 14

alternate_email nitra@dentalc.sk
phone +421 37 221 11 15


place Tajovského 17
040 01 Košice

alternate_email kosice@dermacenter.sk
phone +421 55 221 11 25

alternate_email kosice@plasticcenter.sk
phone +421 55 221 11 26

alternate_email kosice@dentalc.sk
phone +421 55 221 11 27

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